Thursday, December 6, 2012

The impertinent Lies of Evan Iliadis about the Knights of Rizal

Evan Iliadis also has a problem with the Order of the Knights of Rizal

This is another "tactic" of the Cyberstalker and Troll Evan Iliadis, - if he can not find anything negative about a Person in the Internet, as he actually admits in an email about me,  he simply defames the surroundings of that Person.
He already has defamed the Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary, a volunteer Organization manifested officially under Republic Act.9993 Sec.11 and called them a club which "cleans beaches".
In the beginning of his defamation nonsense he at least seem to have had some rest shame and used a "pseudonym" disguised as reader comment  to insult this honorable Volunteers.
( he called himself "bystander" and pretended to be a Filipino. Unfortunately and to the amusement of the Readers he exposed himself due to exactly the same forensic typo and grammatical errors he usually and continuously makes throughout his ridiculous Lie blogs.)

Guenther Vomberg 's Knighthood Certificate of the Order
Proof that I Heidelberg Order
However, the same he does with 
the Order of the Knights of Rizal 
(short KoR) , of which I am a part since 1995 .
The Heidelberg "German" Chapter. I was the 54th Member then. 3 years Later when I moved to Cebu I then joined the KoR Cebu of course.
Chapter Commander then was Cerge Remonde followed by Mayor Duterte and now Roberto "Bobby" Inoferio.

Evan Iliadis commenting on his own Blog under an alias as "Bystander"
Screenshot  where Mr.Iliads comments on his own blog as "Bystander"

Let us have a look at this above Lie statement- He "asks" me this: (not that he would allow an answer, nobody is allowed to comment on Mr.Iliadis blog then himself):

"If I know any Kiwanis Club member who belongs to the "Living in Cebu Forums ?"

Oh yes, my predecessor as President of the Kiwanis Club of Cebu who posts regular in that forum.
If Mr.Iliadis would have done his homework, he would have noticed it since the good Man also posts under his full real name. Just like I did..
Kiwanis Club Members have nothing to hide.

The same with the Philippine Coast Guard - two Members actually. Plus 5 from the US Coast Guard. (Ret.)

The only organization which does not comments there (as far as I know) he "guessed" correctly was the Knights of Rizal, no member in that Forum except me.
BUT, and no we come back to the topic, he mentioned "Hans Schoof", a man who is very well known in Panglao and Bohol, so it is no miracle that Mr.Iliadis knows his name too.
But what he does not know, is that Hans Schoof was also my "Sponsor" to the Knighthood of Rizal ( together with Ambassador Egon Sittig )
My friendship with Hans Schoof  goes way back till the early eighties he still had his Heidelberg Restaurant in Manila. And I still visit him sometimes in his "House on Top of the Hill" in Baclayon/Bohol ( Rizalist will understand my italic remark made )

Hans Schoof as Deputy SupremeCommander of the Knights of Rizal
Hans Schoof was Deputy Supreme Commander
Now this Hans Schoof was not only a Knight of Rizal, he was also the the Deputy Supreme Commander of the entire Fraternity of ALL the KNIGHTS of RIZAL - Worldwide !

He also organized the 6th International Convention when I was Knighted in Heidelberg 1995.
Guenther Vombergs 2nd Order from the knights of Rizal
2nd degree in Tagbilaran
And he hosted also the 1999 Convention in Bohol, where I was exalted to the second degree...

So this Hans Schoof, which he apparently admires, is a Knight of Rizal as well..unfortunately Evan Iliadis is unbeknown to him. ( I asked )

So here is what Mr. Iliadis thinks about Hans Schoof, and ~ 40.000 honorable other Knights of Rizal Worldwide  (including me)
Evan Iliadis racist remarks about the Filipinos
Evan Iliadis Opinion about the KoR
Guenther Vomberg KCR Order from Supreme Justice Hilario davide
My 3rd degree exaltation by Sir Hilario Davide Jr.

He says, we are all "jokes"and more of his so common provocative "Troll" insults.
That would include some Philippine Presidents*, a Malaysian Prime Minister, Henry Kissinger, The King of Spain, just to name a few more popular Fraternity Brothers.
Among them the currently most beloved, Supreme Judge and UN Ambassador Hilario Davide Jr. , who selected me to be exalted to the third degree..

President Aquino receives the highest Order of the Knights of Rizal
*President Aquino of the Philippines receives the 5th Degree Highest Order after his election to the Highest Office in the Nation.

But if he say's so...poor Evan Iliadis.

Good for Evan Iliadis, that he feels he is someone better.
But actually he is just an Internet Troll who sits in his small Flat in France and googles all day to find some entries among billions in the Internet which he can twist and turn for his insignificant Blogs to defame People.

He will continue until his deathbed, when eventually he may wake up and realize that he spend the twilight years of his life wasting valuable time and money for a mental disorder instead of time with his family or gaining friends.

I however, got better things to do now and will move on with rather positive blogs and Impressions about the Philippines.

Thank you for reading

Yours truly, Guenther Vomberg
Guenther Vomberg as Rescue Marshall PCGA on the Fluvial parade 2012

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