Saturday, January 26, 2013

Cyber Bullying and Stalking Guide- Book and Support

Cyber Bullying & Stalking Guide Self Helpbook

We have developed a strategy book for everyone.

As one can see in the prior blog posts about in my  Case, malicious Cyber Stalkers can appear out of nowhere and for no reasons at all.

Nobody is safe from them, not even, when one is not present in the Internet. Because mentally deranged individuals are among the population, and there is not much one can do about it.
Lucky for me that my Cyber Stalker had prior victims and we were able to get in touch with each other. ( Special thanks to +Matt Wilkie for his great efforts in finding and contacting them )

So in the past six months and with the technical guidance and help of
 +Chris Bennetts , who has 30 years experience in this sector, Matt, Chris, myself and others developed and tested (an often painful experience ) a strategy to tackle our  Cyber stalker under every aspect possible.
Of course we could have chosen a short and legal battle with lawyers, but most people are not able to afford one, and the identity of a Cyber Stalker is not always known. 
Thus we decided to try the long and trial and error approach. Ideal also because the Victims of our Stalker came from different countries and the devious Man himself sat in a third nation.
So we had Victims of 5 Nations, Internet Service providers of 3 Jurisdictions, and a hideous cowardice  Stalker who was not present in any of the above countries.
Nether the less the we were able to pull down over 400 Url's, ban him from virtually any decent Internet Service provider and push the Stalker into the Cyber Wworld of illegal hosting companies right into the Russian "Cyber Mafia Space".   

Out of this and many other experiences we were able to develop the most comprehensive and practical Guidebook for Victims of Cyber Harassment.

Not only researched and then written, but also TESTED practically in the cases of multiple Victims, some of them abused since 5 and more years.

The Result was a book designed and written by +CHRIS BENNETTS,

edited by the professional Author +PERRY GAMSBY.

I myself have translated and edited the GERMAN VERSION which will be published in a few days, when the newest latest editions have been made.

A big "Thank You" also to +TIM POTTER from SUGARLAND Texas.
+Bradley Hughes  and many other unnamed victims of our Cyber Stalker helping us.
They helped actively launching complaints, giving feedback and "tested" our theories in practical.
Last but not least I should thank the Cyberstalker EVAN ILIADIS, who made this all possible. At least he had a mediocre share.

Out of all this came a remarkable True Life Book.

Since today, the CYBER BULLYING AND STALKING GUIDE  is launched 

Read more here please :

Click on the book

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Evan Iliadis can't stop and ruins himself, LOL

Even my Cat is laughing now.
Photo credit: guenthervomberg Cat LMAO)

This Cyber Stalker is incredibly ridiculous. 

One would think he would stop after being caught flat in faking and criminal acts.

But no, the guy is so embarrassing himself and keeps on running from one Pit trap after another.
Let me  recall my last blog, he first claims, that this is my facebook page :
Evan "fake" with formatting  from 2010 or 2011 ?

After I proved him wrong with a LIVE link to my actual facebook Page of Guenther Vomberg 's  :

But Mr. Iliadis said and insists - "straight from his facebook page" and then as usual linked to his own website where his photo-shopped copies sit in abundance.

His problem is, he works with a facebook forgery, and everyone can check the true facebook profiles of Guenther Vomberg even when Evan Iliadis doesn't link to it. Something which did not came into Evans mind.
So people now have had second thoughts and suddenly discovered, that Evan Iliadis is the culprit and "bad guy".
But he never thought about that. His bad. Now he lost his last "followers". Not only the ones which supported him actively but also passive Readers.

Just as he never thought about his own "storyline" which is full of controversies.

On one hand his victims are all "connected" and run their alleged scams together, on the other hand he congratulate them to be "new friends".
On one hand he lifts a popular German from Bohol high up in the Air as an exemplary Man,- and when he found out, that this German is a close friend of mine, he suddenly condemns him into the ground.

And so many other examples, often he say things in one sentence which are controversial by the end of the same.

But this does not come to his mind. I wonder often if he really reads his own nonsense before publishing.
It appears like a Child playing with "Lego". he takes impressive sentences stolen somewhere from the Internet without understanding them,changes a few names and then "builds" them together as new sentences. That is really funny.

Meanwhile Evan Iliadis is soo fanatic, that he lately even has bought 
( YES, he paid money, loads of money ) for the domain names of his target Guenther Vomberg and a few others. (LOL)

Something I haven't even done in 20 years for myself. And why would I ? Everything in the Internet is FREE.

Blogs, Social Platforms, "Home-pages", (sub) domains ..
Why would I spend 18 Dollars or more for my name? Annually ?

But Evan Ilaids does just that...he bought my name Guenther Vomberg.
And the name of other guys. At least two that I knew off.
And he spends hundreds of US $ for his websites in Russia.
No more free blogging for him. He has been banned at all major sites for being a Cyber troll. Thanks to me. No wonder he hates me.

At least he got the Wordpress software for free.

(Be careful Evan, Wordpress is Open Source Software, and you have a Russian Server Host )

The poor man is really a pitiful "person". Instead of enjoying the last years of his life in dignity he sits on his MAC and writes blogs about people he has never met and which have never done anything to him or others. At least the three I know and have met. Chris Bennetts, Timothy Potter-Zol, Matt Wilkie. Although I have not met Matt yet...But just like the other people seem absolutely innocent people.
Well, they all must be innocent, as cowardice cyber stalkers would never attack real criminals, because they can certainly be sure, that those would and will  use other methods to "shut them up".

However, Evan Iliadis is  now at his end of cyber stalking career. He gets mocked about by his own kind ( Websites of other stalkers suddenly appear about him ), ridiculed and pestered. And he is a doomed criminal.
If he had any worthy assets, he already would have been "served". But he owns nothing. No house, no apartment,no car, nothing to pawn...his wife has to work as a cleaning lady for the neighbours. To Finance his internet trolling.

But let the Police and Prosecution work it out for themselves. After all, it is a public crime and they work automatic.
Or did Evan really think, one would sue HIM? He owns nothing, not worth it. Google, Yahoo and Bing are the ones with the cash.

Because now he can not claim any more, that it was an "oversight", and that was what we are all waiting for. He is now in the corner. Closed Case. Snap shot.

Exposed fully as fraudulent Cyber Harasser, Stalker, Faker and Cyber Troll- . Biggest Liar in the Universe. Poor guy with too much fantasy.

So what does that all mean for me, Guenther Vomberg, since  Evan Iliadis keeps talking about "changes in my life". Not that he would know, he is actually inventing all, since he don't know me and never knew me either.

As he proclaimed in his email. Click on the link to read it.

Of course I changed my life in the past year. But certainly not because of him or the Lie blogs which nobody reads and now nobody can believe any more. I always change my life, or better, improve it.

I opened another Restaurant, learned Blogging, little bit about SEO, translated my book (finally) and have some other translation projects lined up.
And I will be a Dad  :-)

If this isn't changing my life, then I don't know.

But Evan Iliadis has no part of it, he remains in his dark, filthy two bedroom social housing apartment above the Police Station.

Thank You for reading
Guenther Vomberg

Guenther Vomberg
Sinulog Time again :-)