Saturday, November 24, 2012

Evan lliadis "real target" - an Internet Forum where he got banned.

This is another Email from "my" sick Cyberstalker. 

Email from Evan Iliadis with his crazy Goal to destroy a message board of 10.000 members
This was sent to me directly

As one can see,  he is  claiming not to be alone.
"My target and my teams is not only Paul"
Very interesting grammar, but aside of this,  isn't it obvious that he has got some serious issues ?
"WE WILL PREVAIL there too".

The language and choice of words is really really weird.

I don't see also how I have to explain how I have to "get along" with a certain poster with "VIP member" status in that forum...

I mean, it is an Internet forum (Message board), consisting of thousands of people and even more posts.
And Mr. Iliadis lies here again, I am not a VIP member and never was one. I am an Elite member.
Which everybody over 200 post automatic "title", I share it with 3000 others  ! Lol.
VIP is something else I don't know and don't care either to become.

Living in Cebu Screenshot
A statistic published by Mr. Iliadis himself.

This was a statistic published by Mr.Iliadis in one of his Blogs for another purpose.

I see only 468 thousand posts, 9462 members ( its over 10.000 now) and an average of over 200 posts per/day !

So according to Mr.Iliadis, those are all Criminals and Sexpats ?

And then let us not forget, that Mr.Iliadis does not know any single person he accuses in his blogs.

As in my case, I even got proof in form of an email that he does not know me...or any wrong doing of me

Still he makes his nonsense blogs.

But not for free anymore, he has to pay now to host them in an obscure Russian Domain.

But this is another "blog story"

Thank you
Guenther Vomberg
Guenther Vomberg

1 comment:

  1. Evan targeted the forum simply because he has a major problem with expats generally. A lot of people aren't aware that he has been doing this stuff for over 6 years. Before blogs and the forums he was doing it to Yahoo groups. The guy is just mental.
